Friday, December 29, 2017

Best Summary of Current Tax Law vs. New Tax Law

One week ago the President signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Northern Trust published an excellent summary of the new law, laying out in easy to read tables the law as it stands currently in 2017 and the new law effective next week in 2018.  The piece covers Pass-Through entities, Corporations, Individuals, Estates/Gifts, etc.  It is by far the best summary I've seen, please see below and Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tax Reform Package - Let the Games Begin

Some states, including California, are already beginning to work with tax strategists to identify methods to mitigate the impact of the loss of the state and local tax deductions for federal tax purposes.  The governors of high income tax states such as California, New York and New Jersey are in close contact with one another to work towards a solution for higher income tax payers who may be hurt by the loss of these deductions and they are already coming up with some creative workarounds.

One option being considered is to completely eliminate the state income tax system and replace the lost revenue via increased payroll taxes.  States would tax corporations an amount approximating how much state income tax an employee would have paid under the current system.  This would allow corporations to get that lost tax deduction transferring it from the individual to the corporation and enhance revenue in these states.  I do wonder about possible fallout from unintended consequences here, what moves corporations may make in response.

Another option on the table for these states is to allow public school systems to be recognized as 501(c)3 organizations.  The thinking here is that the portion of property taxes, currently slated to be capped along with state income taxes on a combined basis at a $10,000 deduction on your federal tax return, relating to schools would be allowed as a charitable deduction.  That’s a very creative solution to help individual taxpayers get over the new and increased standard deduction limits slated at $24,000 for joint returns, $18,000 for single parents and $12,000 for individuals.

Also, some governors are already investigating possible legal action against the Federal government under the premise that this tax reform package violates the protection of states’ rights under the U.S. Constitution.  So sit back, open a bag of popcorn and continue watching as certain states maneuver and assess what actions they might be able to take to help preserve some of the status quo with respect to these state and local tax deductions.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Overview of Proposed Tax Reform

By now most have heard about some of the proposed tax changes coming out of Washington, D.C.  There are some differences between what the House is proposing vs. the Senate and The Associated General Contractors of America have prepared a nice table showing those differences.  The chances are very good at this point that we will see reform for 2018, a little over 30 years after we saw the last major overhaul.

The changes will be widespread, affecting corporations and individuals alike.  Of special note for the construction industry are the following:

  • ·         Repeal of the Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD)
  • ·         Small Contractor Exemption Increase from $10MM to either $15MM or $25MM

Also, Cash Accounting will be available up to either $15MM or $25MM in gross receipts (currently $10MM for Pass-Throughs and $5MM for C-Corps), including inventories.  Both the House and Senate have provisions for full expensing of new equipment (the House includes used equipment here as well) for 5 years.

There is a lot of change on the horizon, much of it should bode well for businesses and the economy.  Should you wish to discuss any of these provisions further, their possible impact and what actions might be advantageous as we head into 2018 please feel free to contact me.  Given some or most of these changes will be occurring, there are measures to take to position your business for the maximum benefits.  For a more detailed overview of the proposals in the House and Senate, see below.